Point-of-Care Testing
Supporting Point-of-Care Testing in Virtual Wards: What are the challenges and how do we overcome them?
Point-Of-Care Testing
Supporting Point-of-Care Testing in Virtual Wards: What are the challenges and how do we overcome them?
9am – 9.30am BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
A variety of virtual ward services are delivered across Oxfordshire through collaboration of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, and Principal Medical Ltd (PML) a GP led service. They include Hospital at Home, Children’s Virtual Ward (jointly with OHFT), Acute & Community Palliative/End of Life Care (Community – Sue Ryder Care).
The Point of Care Testing (PoCT) team at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust has supported the development and delivery of PoCT in community and ambulatory settings over the past 10 years.
Using a model developed around the requirements of ambulatory medicine; this has been delivered with limited resource, focussing on utilising existing resources wherever possible.
Commencing with the Acute Hospital at Home, the service has been successfully expanded to support mobile PoCT across Oxfordshire.
The laboratory acts as the distributor of instruments and supplies; facilitates connectivity, and testing, and coordinates delivery of training through a combination of remote and cascade routes.
Device selection and repertoire has been standardised. Up to this point mobile services have been limited to use of the Abbott i-Stat & Alinity systems (electrolytes/metabolites/blood gas). However, Hospital at Home, and other mobile services are requesting a greater repertoire of tests, particularly CRP. The LumiraDx platform provides us with an option for CRP that is portable, easy to operate, connectable and robust.
Challenges remain around connectivity and information management. This has been exacerbated by the cross-organisational nature of these services leading to the management of patients through multiple IT systems; and led to the development of indirect routes for result entry into the patient record.
Whilst we have been able to deliver connectivity in two rapid response vehicles, this was not a scalable solution and mobile devices are docked at the base location on return from visits.
Learning outcomes
Delegates attending this presentation will learn about:
- Overview of the requirements for Point-of-Care Testing services in the community.
- Awareness of the challenges around the provision of Point-of-Care Testing in ‘Virtual Wards’ & ‘Hospital at Home’ environments.
- Considerations when establishing and maintaining services. How can it be delivered when resources are limited?
Delivery of a virtual ward in East Kent: A clinical overview
Point-Of-Care Testing
Delivery of a virtual ward in East Kent: A clinical overview
9.30am – 10am BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
Dr Johnathan Garvey
Specialist Doctor in community Geriatrics and Frailty, East Kent Frailty team and Home Treatment Service
Embedding sustainability in the clinical laboratory - partnerships, Point-of-Care Testing and Getting It Right First Time
Point-Of-Care Testing
Embedding sustainability in the clinical laboratory - partnerships, Point-of-Care Testing and Getting It Right First Time
10.30am – 11am BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
As the climate health crisis continues to escalate, governments and key NHS leaders are recognising the need for change. There is growing sector awareness of the impact of the lab on the environment and it is now time for laboratory medicine to consider the role POCT can play in achieving NHS net zero carbon targets. Centres for Sustainable Healthcare propose four principles for sustainable healthcare: prevention, patient self-care, lean service delivery and low carbon alternatives.
This presentation considers the role GIRFT and POCT can have, in supporting these principles of sustainable healthcare and promoting greener diagnostic pathways.
Learning outcomes
Delegates who attend this presentation will:
Understand the relationship between the climate emergency and public health
Understand the role of POCT can play in the lab sustainability agenda
Gain knowledge of embedding sustainability through changes in practice
Sheri Scott CSci FIBMS SFHEA
Principal Lecturer in Biomedical Science and IBMS Council Member, Nottingham Trent University
Getting it Right First Time
Point-Of-Care Testing
Getting it Right First Time
11am – 11.30am BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
Dr Martin Myers MBE
Consultant Biochemist , Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The revised ISO 15189 standard and the impact upon delivery and maintenance of effective quality management within Point-of-Care Testing
Point-Of-Care Testing
The revised ISO 15189 standard and the impact upon delivery and maintenance of effective quality management within Point-of-Care Testing
11.30am – 12pm BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
ISO15189:2012 had reached its periodic review date and there was international consensus that it needed revision. The new version was published on 6th December 2022 and there are some key changes which include an emphasis on a patient-focused approach and to promote the welfare of patients - i.e. putting the patient at the heart of the service. There is also more emphasis on a risk based approach to the Quality Management system. In addition ISO 22870 (POCT) has been incorporated into ISO 15189:2022.
This presentation will review POCT definitions, highlight key considerations for currently accredited POCT services and also for organisations considering applying for accreditation to include (or extend) POCT in their scope.
POCT is referenced implicitly throughout ISO 15189:2022 and with additional distinct requirements as an Annex A.
The presentation will discuss generic POCT services, and highlight considerations on both current POCT services and also emphasise considerations for planning new POCT services, and that overall, when compared with ISO 22870:2016, things have not changed as much as one would think. Principles are similar, and POCT could even be considered as another specialty within pathology, regardless of where it is or managed from.
Learning outcomes
This presentation will give those who attend an:
- Awareness of the key changes from ISO 15189:2012 to ISO 15189:2022
- Overview of the requirements for extending your scope to include PoCT
- Generic considerations when establishing and maintaining PoCT services
High Sensitivity Troponin in the Community
Point-Of-Care Testing
High Sensitivity Troponin in the Community
2pm – 2.30pm BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
Point-of-Care Testing in the community
Point-Of-Care Testing
Point-of-Care Testing in the community
2.30pm – 3pm BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
To introduce a discovery community Point of Care Testing project that is working collaboratively with primary and secondary care.
By working in wider partnerships, the project aims are to scope and work towards recommendations and collaboration to deliver effective and measurable benefits for safer patient care and a governance led service, aligned to national NHS strategy plans.
National Point-of-Care Strategy
Point-Of-Care Testing
National Point-of-Care Strategy
3pm – 3.30pm BST, 28 September 2023 ‐ 30 mins
Point-Of-Care Testing
Opening and Closing Plenary programmes